This story is the lead up and lead down of my longest favourite mind set to date.
daze |dāz|verb [ trans. ] (usu. be dazed)make (someone) unable to think or react properly; stupefy; bewilder : she was dazed by his revelations | [as adj. ] (dazed) he staggered home dazed and confused.
Flying in and out of karatha to barrow island had been a daily occurrence for the last 24 days, I had 6 left when i was given accommodation on the island and no longer had the flight schedule of a pilot. After going to be at 2 that morning and waking at 4 (knowing i was going on night shift) I was to fly for the last time to barrow (the whole process of flying in through quarantine and busing around an what not takes around 4 hours) I attempted to go straight to sleep 11 came and i was dozing off. This didn't last long 3 hours later i awoke waited for a couple and started the first of 6 nights of 12 hours work and around 3 hours sleep. On the final night I worked till 3 am, didn't have enough time to sleep so just chilled in my room, packed, ate and all the other doings. We flew out on break at 11 and arrived in perth 2 hours later. I had a million things to do before my 6 o'clock flight the next morning to Java. These things finished around 9 that night where i made the "dazed" decision to get drunk and hang out with my wang out till around 2 that morning.... i woke at 4 for the flight(late i might add), so in reflecting I had slept 18 hours in 6 nights then had gone from waking up at 1 pm on my last day of work and going to sleep 25 hours later only to wake 2 hours later....3 coffees and i was in full daze mode.(I'm no longer bored so i'm going to finish this story up quick) What followed was as follows; 6 hr flight to Kuala Lumpur(NS) which was delayed so i had an hr to change planes (involving going in and out of the same airport...dont fly cheap get connecting flight) i just made the plane flew 2 hrs to jakarta (NS) drove 7 hrs too Cimaja (NS) ...cheers traffic, arrived at my hotel so dazed id come full circle and was ready to get pissed and talk shit with my brother...... he was sick and asleep fuck my life (and not fml this was more then an acronym)...What followed was 7 days of waves cold brews good food and even better company, laughs a plenty and another minimal daze on the return trip..
I haven't read back over this for fear of keeping myself awake and snowballing my self into a daze when i'm not in a situation where i can afford to daze. If it doesn't make sense, then have enough sense to get 10 cents and buy yourself a pretence so it all appears to make sense.