The steward at the front of the plane was a maybe 19 year old boy from Perth, he was as gay as my tap jazz classes in grade 4 had hope to make me, this bothered me not in the slightest. However I was wide awake and bored so i eavesdropped a little on his and the stewardesses conversation. At first nothing great some home and away gos a little politics which i don't understand so cant judge on and some general fellow workers slagging. This was all well and good until he started talking about really stupid asking what the flag was on the side of the V Australia planes were and how impressive his friends sit covers were..... there was so much of this type talk but i sort of blacked out and cant remember the gold stuff but it was bad. It made me remember sitting in the spa one night on the sunshine coast and there was a gay dude and his friend in there and they were talking about being afraid of the crocs in the maroochy river and typical dumb teen gay stuff. It made me semi annoyed for a second i couldn't pick up on the link between the gay cliche and stupidity and ignorance.
I spent the next couple of hours thinking about this because there was nothing more interesting that had happened to me since and it finally dawned on me!?! these teen queens had spent the time that most of us had spent learning worrying about what their fathers or friends were going to think of them... they spent this time shitting themselves, and within a dawning i had another dawning. Was the general old school disapproval of homosexuality to blame for these guys only just starting to ask the stupid questions we all asked in primary school, now? And all of a sudden i went from annoyed with the dumbness of this guy to feeling utterly sorry for him.... these guys weren't dumb they were just finally getting the chance to learn.
In closing if a homosexual guy asks u can fat people go skinny-dipping? be sympathetic and explain the explanation.