Monday, September 6, 2010

hello or goodbye?

Contained in a 4m*3m donga for the 3.5 hours between getting home from work and going to bed, I have come to realize these hours of "my time" I get  without a friend, piano or a board of some sorts in sight is a quick way for me to store energy, itch, fiddle and solo conversate my way through a half awake half doze state that most would try label sleep. In an attempt to burn some of this fuel and cure my inability to ever really be totally awake/sleep I have been routinely eating dinner early-letting the food settle-then running on a tredmil for as long as possible......its droney and much like my work requires the thought depth that most would put into breathing. This leaves me a blank mind to fill for the most part of my day. It has taken me 23 years and 10 months to appreciate that i think a lot, about mostly nothing, although around 10 percent of these thoughts i enjoy that they may be some of  the only times I am truly doing something as close to original as possible. In these over influenced times, where as soon as you open your ears and/or eyes everything/one around you is trying to disturb your natural pure thoughts, that are unique to you like a thumb print or the sound of your laugh. I have gotten myself carried away here on trying to make the point that I'm blogging to savour these said thoughts before like most good things disappear faster then u can store their memory.

If you have happened to flock to this blog like the salmon of the North Atlantic(aka Atlantic salmon) do to the Becharof Wilderness, you are free to read away but if I get the slightest punctuation remark or spell check i will kill u and everyone your friends with on facebook, I'm not writing this to get penguin on board for a hard cover dan brown world tour, I'm just intending to read over this an laugh one day or hopefully have some one else read it and laugh....... hhahahahaha lol wtf rofl.

considering  none of what was typed above was funny i have a word''''s that sounds funny but is pretty serious and shit but i like to use as often as i can to get a laugh out of someone.....brain aneurysm

So i guess this is hello........ or goodbye?
The upgraded version of my living quarters 

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