Monday, April 11, 2011

what up...

its been a while but look whose back... back again.... cody's back tell a friend... preferably a female friend or if you don't have any female friends a good looking dude but not like that dude from twilight  I'm talking john candy good looking.
Enough with that ramble. When I was working in the mines I had oodles of time to think and the child of those thoughts was the first x amount of blogs I put up. Now that I am back in the real world having friendships and relations and hobbies and sinking mad piss like an absolute dog, I'm finding the doing a little mentally overwhelming, I don't think I ever realised that normal life is so full on, and mainly and namely dealing with other people around you, constantly making decisions based on the possible outcome(s) for everyone else and not just yourself, around every corner there is a quadruple entendre.

I personally know of myself to be a little selfish for I try to keep the making me happy and making others happy 50/50 or even 60/40 pending how much sleep was had that prior night. Of late though I have been noticing these people that can not.... not say no and there every move is in the request of others, firstly, hat off to them because it must be insanely hard to keep that up, but I as always over analyse the situation and wonder is the push over that can't say no actually a push over or just a nicer person then the whom calls push over, and polar to that is the person who only looks after themselves just an absolute carnt or just completely content in their doings?

I dont even know if this is worthy of the codec it's written on but i was bored and it's been far too long so if you don't like it and actually regret reading it you can forward a complaint to my pee hole which thanks to all the vodka cranberries i drank the other night is a UTI free zone

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