Saturday, June 11, 2011


I was slanging some slang around with some slang slanging slangers today at work. The topic of the conversation was, in the true nature of men, cock length and breadth . Now this isn't a post about cock sizes, because while we're all being honest, if you own a quarter acre of land with a dog and a cherry tomato vine that hardly qualifies you to talk about farming. Any way the topic is this old dude, who is possibly the most annoying arrogant dude I've ever met, yet some how, he now and then comes up with these cracker calls that are way younger then his, let's say 60 years of age(I'm pretty sure he came up with "that's what she said"). So here we were slanging on about cocks and one of the guys told us the size of his cock, which made me question a lot of things, but this old dude goes "what?! from direct centre of balls, or are we talking base of neck"... he had around 7 different regions of the cock and balls all in acronym form and he was more then happy to go into depth description. Suffice it to say we we're pretty busy taking an hour out of the day to talk cock shop.

In the true nature of my posts here is something completely unrelated, I just watched a range rover advertisement while I was typing this and when I looked back down at the screen I was applying for a hundred grand loan on Also penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere.

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