The air-conditioning is at 18 degrees but outside its just hit 50, it's christmas day and as some form of self giving moment in order to not totally loose contact with the happiness that is christmas me and my work crew have opted for a little air-con truck talk time (this is common practise and really in the searing barron land of barrow is nearly as rewarding as a christmas present). I'm (oddly enough) in a bit of a daze while the other boys are talking about some undercover boss show(its been a long time since I have consciously watched tv) that I'm not at all familiar with but I over hear the gist of the show. While they are rumbling on, on comes "one of us" by Joan Osborne. At the time I pay very little attention to it but I do notice the whole scene sort of make a subconscious movie log in my mind(I'm pretty sure given the circumstances I'm thinking what the fuck am I doing here on christmas there are so many other people and other places I should be). Later on in the shower (the place I go to think the most) the whole scene floods back at first I detest the thought, as anything work related should be left between the paid hours.. but then i realise my mind is trying to get to a different point its linking the song and tv show together......And by god don't i ponder this for quite some time. In the show I'm told the boss comes in disguised as a worker and finds all the bad things happening in his/her company and tries to rectify them. Then that theory cross pollenated with what if god was one of us just a undercover boss like one of us tinkered in my mind. I started thinking of all the stuff that if said god was legitimate (and not just a character in a book that has about as much evidential truth as frodo or jonathan livingston seagull i mean in the end the only real difference is one was written about a longer time ago) then what would he change would he really be as judgemental as his preachers and followers make him out to be and if so......... would anyone really get to keep there jobs?
also no funny post scrips this time sorry haven't really had all that many comedic inspirations of late what with all the red dust and dick head old dudes with broken lives telling me I'm an idiot for quitting such a high paying job that has left them with 3 divorcees taking everything they have ever worked for... na na cheers for the advice old alcoholic with bad bad sunglasses tan to the point where I took a photo of you the other day thinking I'd spotted the first 6 ft racoon
pps merry christmas check where i spent it
Good stuff - from Ellie